Robert J. Dragan PT, C/NDT
Founder and owner of Rehab Point, Inc., graduated from Academy of Physical Education faculty of Physiotherapy in Warsaw, Poland, in 1991, with the title of Master of Movement Rehabilitation.
Born in Warsaw, Poland, moved to United States in 1993 and worked in the National Rehabilitation Corporation as a Facility Director in Detroit area, Michigan.
1995 - Moved from Michigan to Wesley Chapel, and started to serve patients in Pasco County. He subsequently served thousands of patients in the Zephyrhills Hospital, as a home therapist in Pasco County and at Rehab Point, Inc.
During the past 25 years Robert enrolled in, and completed, more than 2,000 hours of continuous education. The courses were taught by world-renown and internationally-recognized Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, and Osteopathic Physicians. This multi-disciplinary training allows him to practice Functional as well as Structural Therapy, which allows patients to gain a new, higher level of functional potential, and to go “beyond their expectations”.
Robert is an NDT /Bobath certified therapist in the Management of Adults with Stroke and Brain Injury ( and he is a Certified Clinical Instructor for Physical Therapy Students.
Robert is a Co-Founder, instructor and international speaker of the Likewater Institute and MSKflossing program. (
Memberships: American Physical Therapy Association, Florida Physical Therapy Association, and Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association.
“Post Fall Syndrome - The One Step away Disaster - A Case Report” -published in “EC Orthopaedics” Volume 10 Issue 12 December 2019
Upadek i jego konsekwencje, innowacyjne technologie wspomagajace rehabilitacje przeciwupadkowa. ( Fall and its consequences, innovative technologies supporting anti-fall rehabilitation.) - published in “Praktyczna Fizjoterapia i Rehabilitacja” Volume 112 issue January 2020
International Presentations:
IX International Congress of Physiotherapy - Porto Alegre, Brazil, September -2018
“MSKflossing Method- introduction to South America”
1st Congress of Polish Chamber of Physiotherapy- Warsaw, Poland, May-2019
“Physiotherapy and prophylactic in Post Fall Syndrome.”
“ Modern physiotherapy in Post-fall syndrome and Geriatry”